
Ocimum sanctum, Holy basil, or tulsi, is anaromatic plant in the family Lamiaceae which is native  to  the Indian  Subcontinent and   widespread   as   a   cultivated   plant   throughout the Southeast Asian tropics. It is an erect, much branched subshrub, 30–60 cm tall with hairy stems and simple opposite green or purple  leaves  that   are  strongly  scented.  Leaves  have petioles and are ovate, up to 5 cm long, usually slightly toothed. The leaves  of  basil have numerous oil glands with aromatic volatile oil. The flowers are purplish in elongate racemes in close whorls.

Important information about the plant (per acre)

Variety of Plant Vishu Priya Tulsi,Rama Tulsi,kalaTulsi,Bisva Tulsi,Basil
Sweet lemon Tulsi
No. of plants 6 kg/acre
Sowing Time Rainy season
Soil Grows well in Sandy loam soil
Irrigation System Drip Irrigation
Produce Leaves
Total  Cost  of
Total Production 2500 kg for 3 times
Market/Buy Back Rates @Rs.60 per kg.
Total Income (Profit) 1,50,000/-
Income per year 92,500/-
Buyers Ayurvedic   Companies,    Cosmetic    Companies,    Pharma
Companies, Juice and Gel Exporters/Sunrise Agriland Development & Research Pvt. Ltd.


  • Tulsi protects against and reduces stress, enhances stamina and  endurance, increases the body’s efficient use of oxygen, boosts  the  immune  system,  slows aging, and provides a rich supply of antioxidants and other
  • It reduces inflammation, prevents gastric ulcers, protects against radiation, lowers fevers, cholesterol and high blood pressure, enhances periodontal health, displays significant natural antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal  activity,  improves  digestion and absorption of other nutrients, and even repels mosquitoes and other potentially harmful
  • Tulsi offers remarkable preventative and curative potential with respect to many degenerative disorders, such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and neurological dementia.

Cultivation conditions

Cultivate in all over India. Mostly Cultivataed In Rainy Season , Avoid Winters for cultivation.

 Soil :

Best in sandy loam soil,avoid water logging conditions

 Nursery preparation

  • Preferable time for nursery preparation is from February to may.
  • The seeds are mixed with dry sand in 1:5 ratio and are then spread on the land.
  • Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil.
  • Irrigation is to be done after two days with the help of sprinklers.
  • After 8-12 days the seed start to develop
  • When 4-5 leaves are visible, the nursery is ready, and the plants are to be transfer in the field.

Land Preparation

  • After 6 weeks the nursery plants are ready to be sown in the field.
  • Plants are planted as 1.5’X1.5’, in holes.
  • After this, irrigation with the help of sprinklers is done in every 3 days initially, after this after 7-10 days regularly


  • The first cutting is to be made after 90-95 days in proper sunlight.
  • The cut is to be made above 15cm above the ground
  • After first cutting the regular cutting will take place in every 70-75 days
  • After second cutting the third cutting is to be made after 70-75 days


2500kg leaves are obtained from three cuttings in a year

  • Bed prepared uniformly with tractor
  • Land treatment before tulsi cultivation
  • Drip Laid and Tied properly on each
  • Each bed are covered with punched
  • Cultivation of Tulsi
  • Field of Tulsi Mature Tulsi
  • Harvesting of Tulsi
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